This magazine seems to focus on less main stream artists which
people hardly ever hear about or have never heard about this means that the magazine
may loose out on money if they put less mainstream artists on the front cover of
there magazine as well as putting them inside of the magazine and writing an article
about them.
It says ‘they’re going a bit Jackson 5’ This means that the artists
are trying to remake Jackson 5’s music and make it into there own with their own
lyrics and also, making new songs but following the same style as Jackson 5 took.
This means this is what the article is going to be about because that was the quote
just before the full detail of the magazine started. The difference between this
magazine and NME and KERRANG is that this one is less detailed and only contains
one article where as on NME articles they could put one or two more onto the page
not just one.